Our Brands

Limba Cosmetics
Discover Limba – Your Gateway to Professional Hair Care. Our products are your key to unlocking a sense of freedom and openness to new possibilities, personal development, and growth. We deeply understand your desires and needs, and we're here to help you achieve the hair care you deserve.

Donatti Professional
Donatti is a premier Brazilian cosmetics brand dedicated to elevating the standards of professional hair care. Unwavering commitment to innovation drives the brand to continually enhance and refine product range, leveraging the latest advancements in the industry

Tashe Professional
Today Tashe professional is a well-known brand of cosmetics among professionals and regular women not only in the homeland of production - in the Republic of Belarus, but also in the whole CIS and the UAE. A big team of chemists, technologists, marketing experts, creative specialists, consultants and craftsmen are working on the brand to make it better every day.